Most Native Arizonan's know the joke about Arizona's seasons. There are two of them: Hot and slightly less hot. We are nearing the start of the glorious less hot season. That means we no longer need to stay in the AC in order to survive and can finally venture outside again. Here are all the ways you can embrace the "Winter" season here in Southern Arizona.
1. Watch the leaves change by taking a trip up to Mount Lemmon!

Make sure to stop at the Cookie Cabin while you're there!
2. Visit the Reid Park Zoo.

In December, make sure to take advantage of Zoo Lights!
3. Go to the Pima Air and Space Museum.

The Museum includes a "Graveyard" of retired aircrafts. Many people are able to find the planes that their grandparents or great grandparents flew during their time in the service.
4. Visit the Marana Pumpkin Patch

The Marana Pumpkin Patch offers much more than just Pumpkin Picking. There are Jungle gyms and a bouncy pads for kids to have a day of non-stop fun! Also, there is plenty of food!
5. Pick Apples at Apple Annie's.

Apple Annie's is located in Wilcox, Az. It is about an hour and half drive from Tucson.
Make sure you get a fresh pie or Apple Cider Donuts!
6. Go to a University of Arizona Football Game!

7. Visit one of the many Farmers Markets that take place on Saturday and Sunday Mornings!

Visit this link to see all the Farmer's Markets offered throughout the week:
8. Go to one of the Plant Workshops offered at Green Things

Green Things is located on River, between dodge and Campbell.
Check out their Facebook Page to see all their plant workshop offerings.
Make sure to take advantage of the cooler weather and get outside these Fall and Winter Seasons!